Getting Braver Family Intensive
All the Answers You Seek, In One Place
How do you ensure that my child will speak to you?
Prior to the intensive, a fade-in (sliding in) session is scheduled for every child who is new to us. During these sessions, we follow a "fade-in" process to ensure your child is able to speak to someone on the team. A parent is always present for the start of this session as we ease the child in to new talking relationships. Parent trainings for the fade-in session will be given during prior to this.
By having this session prior to the intensive, your child will enter the week more comfortable and more prepared to make significant gains in verbal communication each day. The session lasts approximately two to three hours.
What if my child doesn't talk during the fade-in session?
Communication during the fade-in session is important, as we have structured activities and outings that we want all children to be able to participate in during the intensive. If we are continuing to work to establish speech during the intensive, your child would lose out on important therapeutic activities. For that reason, we will do all we can to facilitate your child’s speech during the fade-in session.
If, despite everyone’s best efforts, your child in unable to communicate verbally with us (a relatively rare circumstance), we will discuss other intervention options with you.
Fade-in sessions are typically built into the cost of the intensive. If we are unable to establish speech with your child during the fade-in, you will be billed for the fade-in time at Dr. Helfman's usual rate but not for the intensive.
How can I prepare my child for the fade-in session?
Keep your discussions about the fade-in session simple but honest. Let your child know that you have found someone who helsp kids find thier brave voices. Tell them you will be meeting them together and that everyone will playing games and getting to know each other. Your child may also feel more comfortable to know that a parent will be involved in the session until they feel comfortable with the new person.
When talking about the communication goal, you can let your child know that the adults will help them feel more brave, but avoid giving them the specifics that communicating in the session is a necessity. We don’t want to put even more pressure on your child who is likely already going to be experiencing some nerves. You can also increase his or her motivation to practice being brave in the fade-in by letting your child know that you can stop for a special treat on the way home. Feel free to also bring in any items from home that your child will be especially interested to play with during the fade-in session and that may help them feel more comfortable during the appointment.
What is parent training?
Parent training is included in the price of the intensive. A full day's training in selective mutism, interventions and plans for the intensive will be given to parents online prior to the intensive. You will be taught strategies to successfully decrease your child’s anxiety and increase their verbal communication. From 3-4pm on the first 2 days of the intensive, parents will meet without their children (childcare provided) to debrief and plan for the next day.
Where are you located?
The intensive will be held in a location in NE London/ on the border of Essex.